Monday 10 August 2015

Technical Difficulties

Apologies to everyone who came across the half-finished first draft of the concluding part of Crosschev's memoir. I'm not sure what happened, though suspect it involves writing parts of it yesterday sat on the floor of a moving train whilst drunk trying to punch out words on a damn Windows phone.

Whatever caused the problem, I hope to have the finished version up by tomorrow evening at the latest.


Rhian Drinkwater said...

You have a Windows phone! You and Neil are the two people who have Windows phones!

SpaceSquid said...

Fliss does too; it's all her fault. I just did as I was bid.

(Also, welcome to the blog :) )

Rhian Drinkwater said...

I've read it for yonks, I'm just not a natural commenter :-)

SpaceSquid said...

Well then thanks for sticking around :)

darkman said...

I also have a...Windows phone..

SpaceSquid said...

Hurrah! We are Legion!