Not reall much more to say about these chitinous stablads, other than to note that they increase my battle-ready genestealters to a total of twenty-three, not including by Broodlord. That's a lot of close-combat dice, and I look forward to the end of our COVID nightmare, so I can reduce a few Space Wolves to steaming piles of mead-marinaded chum.

Now I've just got the Kill-Team box a friend bought me a year or two ago, and I'll have painted every Genestealer I own. Except the Space Hulk ones, obviously. I am but one man.
The box I sent you recently is bad news if you think you've painted all the genestealers you own.
What's ironic about this is how much faster Sisyphus and myself both could burn through our endless tasks at twice the speed if we had two more arms.
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