Sunday 17 August 2008

Today's Question

Presented for your consideration: the following video.

Now, obviously, the song is terrible. That's not really debatable. What I want to know is whether David Jordan's "dancing" is genuinely as hideously crappy as I think it is. Am I just too old now? Am I not with it because they've changed what "it" is? Or am I correct in my belief that trying to combine body-popping and martial art moves whilst looking like Prince after an afternoon in Abercrombie & Finch is just a really dumb idea?

Oh, and this is the guy who thinks pop stars have it tougher than nurses, doctors, and firefighters, so don't feel bad about ripping into him.


Anonymous said...

"Oh, and this is the guy who thinks pop stars have it tougher than nurses, doctors, and firefighters, so don't feel bad about ripping into him."

Ha ha ha, what?!

SpaceSquid said...

Seriously. On the Jo Wiley show, apparently. Something about having to work long hours. The fact that he spends said hours strutting around like some poisonous poppinjay instead of, for example, clearing up diarrhea or saving people from burning to death, is apparently not something worth considering.