First up: the updated chart of shake quality by category.

We now turn to the updated shake quality deviation graph.

Finally, we consider the overall satisfaction I am experiencing with the experiment as a whole.
As this chart demonstrates, there is a slight but noticeable downward drift in my enjoyment as the experiment goes on. Had I not been fortunate in my last two choices, the drift might be even more prominent. Alas, I see the coming day when all acceptable shake flavours have been sampled, and only a morass of mediocrity remains, punctuated occasionally by moments of pure revulsion.
Truly, I must suffer to bring enlightenment to my readers.
In conclusion: cakes are solid and dependably delicious, chocolate continues to do the business, and breakfast cereal seems to have overtaken sweets in a result that defies all conceivable laws of reality. Oh, and this series may not be long for this world, since as a general rule if I'm going to be putting on weight I'd rather it not involve drinking concoctions more suited to Snape's potions class than anything else.
What potions are you particularly scared of?
It'll be a cold day in Hell when I try parma violets.
I once drank a very nice wine that tasted of parma violets. Is it only the parma violets? I think 1 shake would be an acceptable error in your data gathering, but 2 might damage the validity of your conclusions.
There's also marmite, but that goes without saying.
Surely in order for this to be a fair test you need to determine the next shake purely randomly. If your deliberately avoiding shakes then that’s clearly going to skew that category towards the positive. I no longer have faith in your statistical analysis…
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