Friday 26 August 2022

Friday 40K: The Littlest Waaagh!

Not done this in a while, innit. It's been... fucking hell, sixteen months since I last finished a model. Partly that's moving house, changing jobs, etc., but also it's because I've been in the process of painting eighteen Ork boys at once (along with three Intercessors, three Plague Marines, a Tyranid Warrior brood, a Tyranid Ripper brood, a spy from Talisman and five miniatures of various sizes from Dreadfleet), in a manifestly stupid way.

Look at them! All arranged in step order, in a most un-Orky manner. I had hoped to have this picture set up so the first mini was entirely unpainted, and the last completely done, but tragically my painting process ended up having nineteen stages rather than seventeen. Thus was my otherwise brilliant and sensible plan dashed upon the rocks of reality.

Not to worry, though! After taking the above photo (in my brand new collapsible lightbox, which thus far is significantly less dogshit than both my previous collapsible lightboxes), I took the dude at the front right and finished him to completion.

Rather proud of this guy - it's the most thorough paint job I've ever done on anything other than my first four Dreadfleet vessels (well, maybe my Hammerfall bunker, depending on how you judge these things). Certainly it's the most ludicrous ratio of time expended to points cost, with this guy being worth... FUCKING HELL, just eight points. Half a point a month is taking the piss even by my standards.

Still, a major milesone. My first Ork model from Assault On Black Reach, released just fourteen years and four 40K editions ago. And hey, the next one is already 84% painted! I'll have a proper Waaagh! together before you know it.

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