Friday 17 May 2024

Friday 40K: The Not-So-New Hotness

Hurrah! A mere seven years since they hit the shelves, and five years since I bought the magazine issue that came with three of them, I've actually painted a Space Marine Intercessor.

As with the Hammerfall Bunker I painted up - Gods - three years ago, this gentleman represents the Emperor's Revenants Chapter, known for their brooding natures, surprisingly low civilian death tolls, and their borderline heretical ideas about just how fucked the Big Man in the Golden Throne truly is.

Here he is chilling outside his house. Just a long-legged lad, resting up in-between shooting people in the face.

(That dent in his helmet, by the way? Authentic battle damage, incurred during a legendary duel with the dog.)

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