As I type this there's only fifteen minutes until the final season of Lost starts, so let's get this week's Being Human musings out of the way quick-like.
Annie. Everyone with any taste in this world agrees with me that the best line in the pilot by far was Annie asking Mitchell whether he ever told George about how the moment of death involves entering a corridor filled with men armed with sticks and rope. In a show that started out, and to be fair in many ways continued, offering comparatively little in the way of original takes on the supernatural (which isn't to say the show itself is unoriginal), that line was the first major suggestion that there might be something genuinely unique coming.
In some ways it's a shame it's taken more than a season to get back to it, but here we go. Something very, very bad lurks on the other side (apparently we're calling them Gate Keepers now, though I don't know why), and it's targeting ghosts who refuse to lay themselves to rest (which at least explains why they didn't show up in the first season). Having Sykes show up as a miserable Yoda might have been mighty (and intentionally?) suspicious, but it worked pretty well in both moving Annie's story on and filling in the ghosts' world a little more. In fact, by biggest complaint is that it at least appears as though both Sykes and the Gatekeepers look like they may both have been wrapped up far too quickly, though it's entirely possible future developments will prove that implication false.
Mitchell. I get what's going on here, I do; see how far Mitchell will go down the road to becoming Herrick before he realises/cares. Fine, in theory. It's been done to death, but fine. But the very instant Mitchell successfully blackmailed the coroner into once again faking death certificates for vampire victims, his pressing need to convert the vampires went away. Things could just get back to normal. Now sure, normal wasn't really very good, of course, but he was perfectly happy with the idea three episodes ago, and gave no real sign of being pissed off with it for the decades he spent under Herrick's reign. All of which makes his sudden insistence that he keep Ivan on-side by setting up a one-girl blood farm in the basement completely ridiculous. If you're going to sell us on the idea that one of the main characters has his feet planted on the first step of a spiral staircase to moustache-twirling villain-hood, you need to make his plight absolutely cast-iron, and this is some way away from that.
Having said that, though, it is at least an interesting story.
George. Seriously, werewolf-induced Tourette's? Honestly, Toby Whithouse? Werewolf-induced Tourette's? Why you gotta make me slap you, Toby? Why you gotta do that?
Annie. Everyone with any taste in this world agrees with me that the best line in the pilot by far was Annie asking Mitchell whether he ever told George about how the moment of death involves entering a corridor filled with men armed with sticks and rope. In a show that started out, and to be fair in many ways continued, offering comparatively little in the way of original takes on the supernatural (which isn't to say the show itself is unoriginal), that line was the first major suggestion that there might be something genuinely unique coming.
In some ways it's a shame it's taken more than a season to get back to it, but here we go. Something very, very bad lurks on the other side (apparently we're calling them Gate Keepers now, though I don't know why), and it's targeting ghosts who refuse to lay themselves to rest (which at least explains why they didn't show up in the first season). Having Sykes show up as a miserable Yoda might have been mighty (and intentionally?) suspicious, but it worked pretty well in both moving Annie's story on and filling in the ghosts' world a little more. In fact, by biggest complaint is that it at least appears as though both Sykes and the Gatekeepers look like they may both have been wrapped up far too quickly, though it's entirely possible future developments will prove that implication false.
Mitchell. I get what's going on here, I do; see how far Mitchell will go down the road to becoming Herrick before he realises/cares. Fine, in theory. It's been done to death, but fine. But the very instant Mitchell successfully blackmailed the coroner into once again faking death certificates for vampire victims, his pressing need to convert the vampires went away. Things could just get back to normal. Now sure, normal wasn't really very good, of course, but he was perfectly happy with the idea three episodes ago, and gave no real sign of being pissed off with it for the decades he spent under Herrick's reign. All of which makes his sudden insistence that he keep Ivan on-side by setting up a one-girl blood farm in the basement completely ridiculous. If you're going to sell us on the idea that one of the main characters has his feet planted on the first step of a spiral staircase to moustache-twirling villain-hood, you need to make his plight absolutely cast-iron, and this is some way away from that.
Having said that, though, it is at least an interesting story.
George. Seriously, werewolf-induced Tourette's? Honestly, Toby Whithouse? Werewolf-induced Tourette's? Why you gotta make me slap you, Toby? Why you gotta do that?
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