Tuesday, 21 September 2010

How I Justify My Existence

Hooray! At long last, I have another paper afloat in the Ocean of Journals! This is much better than the earlier one, too; and works as a kind of overview for the lion's share of my thesis work (I have another one describing the remaining eight months of work, but that's still stuck in approval-limbo).

So if anyone has a working knowledge of maths and access to Science Direct, feel free to take a look at the sum total of my efforts from the middle of 2005 to the end of 2008. Otherwise, you can always just scan the abstract and marvel at all the pretty syllables.


Midget_Yoda said...

Go you and your corresponding authorship.

Oh to have a subscription to Science Direct, or better yet, all of Elsevier. The number of anguished screams that arise when I get redirected there and have to resort to wikipedia and some wheel re-invention...

SpaceSquid said...

I always think "corresponding author" is pretty much synonymous with "most obvious mug". Still, thank you kindly!

I also got my first ever invitation to interview this afternoon (well, first academic one, at least); so this has been a good week.

Now all I need is an actual job...