Monday 10 October 2011

Choose Your Targets Wisely

I've been following the Occupy Wall Street/"We are the 99%" protests for a little while now, and I think I understand the situation.  For a while there, I was baffled as to why the Tea Party was covered in so much more detail during it's early stages than OWS has been.

I think I've got it, though.  Becoming disgusted at watching the banks almost destroy the world before demanding public money and demanding President Obama be held accountable = grass-roots movement of real Americans.  Becoming disgusted at watching the banks almost destroy the world before demanding public money  and demanding the banks be held accountable = bunch of unwashed hippies with no clear agenda.

Does that about cover it?

(Also, I'm not sure this guy is really following a winning strategy here.  Others with a greater knowledge of the period than I might have a different reading, but I'm struggling to see what King could be referring to other than the Civil Rights Act.  I can't see how "Last time we let this happen, them Negroes got themselves equality under the law" is going to be much of a rallying call to action.  Or at least, not any action in the direction he's hoping for).


Tomsk said...

Still, better to have an exponential-looking graph than a logarithmic-looking one...

SpaceSquid said...

True dat.