MotCC thus humbly presents five drinking options for the genre connoisseur.
Woo Who
-1oz vodka
-½oz peach Schnapps
-4oz cranberry juice.
1. Put on maudlin, emotionally-manipulative music on your CD player;
2. Turn up the volume to the extent that all conversation is impossible;
3. Drink cocktail whilst making puppy-dog eyes at women who are far, far too young for you. Pretend this is in some way emotionally deep, rather than incredibly disturbing;
4. Save the world essentially at random thirty seconds before the bar closes. Order another cocktail, and start up with the pining/perving again;
5. Win a BAFTA, because people are idiots.
Arrakis Bug
-1oz Midori melon Liqueur
-½oz Malibu coconut rum
-½oz banana liqueur
-1 ½oz sweet and sour mix
-1oz pineapple juice
-The largest tequila worm possible.
-½oz Malibu coconut rum
-½oz banana liqueur
-1 ½oz sweet and sour mix
-1oz pineapple juice
-The largest tequila worm possible.
1. Mix ingredients together, adding worm last;
2. Use hob to evaporate cocktail in its entirety;
3. Eat the worm;
4. Turn into a crazy super-powered prophet-God;
5. Be shit for at least three books;
6. Get Kevin J. Anderson to make the next cocktail. Tell him he’s mixing it all wrong.
Harvey Dent Wallbanger
-3oz vodka
-1oz Vanilla galliano
-6oz orange juice
-10oz sulphuric acid
-two identical glasses.
1. Mix a Harvey Wallbanger in one glass;
2. Fill the second glass with the acid;
3. Decide which to drink via a coin toss.
Dr Manhattan
-5oz rye whiskey
-2oz sweet red vermouth.
-Angostura bitters (dash)
-Maraschino cherry
-giant blue radioactive cock.
1. Mix all ingredients together, garnishing with the cherry and the giant blue radioactive cock;
2. Drink before you have a change to think about what you’re doing;
3. Attempt to remove the floppy glow-in-the-dark phallus from your throat without choking to death;
4. Complain that only Alan Moore truly understands this cocktail, and all other versions are shit.
Long-Dong Island Ice Tea
-1oz vodka
-1oz gin
-1oz tequila
-1oz rum
-1oz gin
-1oz tequila
-1oz rum
-1oz triple sec
-1 ½oz sour mix
-coke (dash)
-giant blue radioactive cock.
As above, but ensure the huge blue irradiated dick is entirely erect before consuming.
-giant blue radioactive cock.
As above, but ensure the huge blue irradiated dick is entirely erect before consuming.
Good drinking, people.
1 comment:
The Harvey Dent Wallbanger is hilarious :-) Also, good work in kicking Kevin J Anderson, it never gets old...
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