So, I figured it might be fun to run a more specialised quiz this week. The idea is simple. Each of the twenty-five comments below makes reference to a specific X-Man amongst the thirty-six I've discussed so far. Some are obvious, some are not. Some, indeed, have been referenced in the posts themselves. All I want from you is which X-Man - codename or real name - goes with which comment (which, of course, means the quiz will get easier as we go along). I'm going to limit each player to two guesses per comment, to prevent answer-spamming, and to just one answer at a time, so as to stop someone with as ludicrous a degree of obsessive knowledge as me just swooping in and taking all the goodies.
Right, get to it!
Good luck!
Update: There seems to be some confusion regarding the rules; mainly this is my fault for not being clear. I'd like one answer per comment in the comments section, and will allow each player only two guesses overall at each numbered comment within the post.
Sorry to have been so confusing!
1. Became one of the many iterations of Apocalypse's "Death", a process which turned their skin black and their hair white. Gambit (Mozz)
2. Orphaned at age five or six and raised both by and as a thief. Storm (Llama God)
3. Once targeted for assassination by way of an explosive robot, disguised as a lisping toddler named Elsie Dee (get it?) Wolverine (Chris B)
4. Had both legs crushed fighting an alien warlord calling himself "Lucifer". Professor X (Christopher)
5. Was at one point brainwashed by the mad assassin Arcade into believing himself a capitalist-hating superhero named The Proletarian. Colossus (Anonymous)
6. Lost a duel for leadership of the X-Men to a depowered Storm. Cyclops (Ste)
7. The only X-Man to retain any memory of the Age of Apocalypse, in which he spent several decades following the time-altering murder of Charles Xavier. Bishop (Gooder)
8. Stabbed to death by Wolverine aboard a decaying space-station to save them from a slow, agonising end. Jean Grey (Llama God)
9. Calls Logan "Wolvie" to his face and gets away with it. Jubilee (Allen)
10. Attempted to counteract the effects of M-Day by grafting superpowered genes into humans, with horrific results. Forge (Jamie)
11. Betrays team to the Super-Adaptoid, only to change sides again when they learns their new master intends to destroy all life, including them.
12. Got set on fire by a mad island, and burned to death. Wore green. Petra (Jamie)
13. Got set on fire by a mad island, and burned to death. Wore purple. Sway (Pause)
14. Impersonated Professor X whilst the latter prepared for invasion by the Z'Nox. Died whilst still undercover. Changeling (FireStillBurns)
15. Once tried busking as a juggler to raise money for a plane ticket to Europe. Iceman (Chris B)
16. Spent several years living in a lighthouse and pretending to be a pirate. Nightcrawler (Mozz)
17. Spent the Age of Apocalypse with a chip on their shoulder and a black bar-code on their face. Havok (Brutal Snake)
18. Fell arse-first onto the talisman of the Ru'tai Pilgrimm, breaking it and banishing the demons. Cecilia Reyes (Brutal Snake)
19. The only X-Man to have dropped the N-bomb. Kitty Pryde (Anonymous)
20. Had their mutant power activated by their exposure to the nuclear wasteland of Hiroshima. Sunfire (Brutal Snake)
21. One of the rare examples of an X-Man losing their powers on M Day, a fact they hid from the squad for several days in an attempt to seem useful.
22. Spent years under the impression that they were one of a race of immortal mutants, before everyone suddenly forgot about the idea. Cannonball (Chris B)
23. Can bake a lemon meringue pie with their feet. Beast (Chemie)
24. I got myself a PhD to prove this character could never possibly exist. Longshot (Chris B)
25. Died of the Legacy Virus and was never mentioned again for over two decades. Revanche (Mozz)
Hmm, I think I know more than a few of these, but in the spirit of the game I'll try not to take out one of the easy ones.
18 - Cecilia Reyes
Correct! We're off!
2. Storm
8. Yet another Jean Grey
Hmm - was I not meant to take the easy ones? Dammit, it's all I know...
Oh was I not meant to....
You can take the easy ones, Llama, don't worry. I must refer the honorable Mozz to the rules, however: "I'm going to limit each player to two guesses per comment, to prevent answer-spamming, and to just one answer at a time, so as to stop someone with as ludicrous a degree of obsessive knowledge as me just swooping in and taking all the goodies."
The intention was to allow people two guesses per numbered post comment, but looking back I can certainly see why that isn't clear. I'll give Mozz Gambit (he was too late for Storm), but from now on; one guess at a time, please.
Mozz, I've deleted your comment, just to prevent scurrilous gits from copying and pasting. Of course, now that you've got yourself on the leader-board, you can submit something else!
Oh, also, Gambit wasn't orphaned as a child, he was stolen as a baby, so I don't think comment 1 has any ambiguity :)
My friend Allen just emailed to guess at #9; correctly identifying it as Jubilee. His logic over #24 was interesting, and indeed he had the right idea, but it's not just Gambit who mucks around with chance...
19. Kitty Pryde
Once again we meet, Anonymous!
Also; correct.
5. Colossus
23. Beast?
Both correct!
My brother wishes it be known that 6 is Cyclops.
And another incoming message from the real world; Gooder has plumped for Bishop for #7. This is of course correct.
24 is presumably Longshot.
Apologies for the earlier transgression, it was caused less by any confusion in the rules, and more by my complete lack of reading them.
16. Nightcrawler
Both correct, gents!
20 - Sunfire?
Yes it is!
An email from Chris B correctly identifies as #3 as Wolverine.
4. Professor X
Is number 4 Xavier himself?
He is, Jamie, but Christopher just sneaked in ahead of you.
I know, talk about gazumping :)
Is number 10 Forge?
Yes it is, actually. Good catch!
Nine comments and twenty possible answers remain...
Mind if I add 22 backwards, in case it's breaking the rules? llabnannoc?
I shall graciously overlook the fact that there is no such X-Man as "Connanball" and give you a point. Because I care.
Pfft. Whatever. It's not like it's a difficult quiz.
I'll prove it - 15 is obviously Iceman.
Indeed he is, obviously. I'm surprised it took you as long as it did...
I've dredged my memory for your previous posts on the X-Men, and I have come to the conclusion that number 12 is probably 'Petra'...?
That's right!
Revisiting this, I think that 14 may be Morph and 17 Havok?
14 is certainly in the right ball-park, but to get all Marvel pedant on you, Morph never existed in the primary X-Men reality.
17 is dead on, though.
25. Revanche ;)
Since we're going for completion then, 13 would be Sway.
I would have answered the first time round but thought it should be left to someone who actually knew anything about the X-Men.
Correct, Pause. And with Mozz adding an answer by Facebook, we're now down to a mere three unidentified characters, including the one Brutal Snake was soooooo close on.
Hey, I just discovered this quiz a couple years after its original posting, but it seems you still need a few answers.
14 is Changeling. I'm pretty sure 21 is Iceman.
Welcome, FireStillBurns; love the name.
14 is indeed Changeling. I can see why you went for Iceman for 21, because there was a similar "has he or hasn't he" thing going on there. With Iceman, though, he lost his powers for a few days, before the writers chickened out and decided he only thought he'd lost them due to subconsciously doubting himself or something.
This X-Men really was depowered, though it will not surprise you to learn that this is no longer the case.
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