Yay! Musings of the Cosmic Calamari is one year old today! And as a birthday present, I've added a counter, so as to get a better idea of how much traffic I get (prediction: precious little).
Here's to another year of vitriol and pointlessness.
It also doesn't do it on my work computer... Yet it was doing it from my laptop... Weird. Must be something to do with random IP addresses or something.
Maybe. Certainly when I put the thing together I ticked the box to say I wanted it to remember visitors for half an hour, specifically to ensure that one couldn't tick it up too easily. I've visited the site three times today, just to check comments, and it hasn't changed at all in that time, save for when you came back to comment yourself.
Well I probably check your Blog on average about 10 times a day (might be a little more on days after BSG is on but prior to you posting about it, and on days when the comments board has something interesting going on) so hopefully it’s not going to crank itself up every time I leave and come back to it.
Ah but it is one of those counters that increases every time I hit refresh... Yey! 7, 8, 9! The sky is indeed the limit!
Hey, if you want to make me look more popular than I am, I ain't gonna stop you...
Having said that, it doesn't go up when I hit refresh. How bizarre...
It also doesn't do it on my work computer... Yet it was doing it from my laptop... Weird. Must be something to do with random IP addresses or something.
Maybe. Certainly when I put the thing together I ticked the box to say I wanted it to remember visitors for half an hour, specifically to ensure that one couldn't tick it up too easily. I've visited the site three times today, just to check comments, and it hasn't changed at all in that time, save for when you came back to comment yourself.
Well I probably check your Blog on average about 10 times a day (might be a little more on days after BSG is on but prior to you posting about it, and on days when the comments board has something interesting going on) so hopefully it’s not going to crank itself up every time I leave and come back to it.
Seems I can falsify the numbers from my work PC using the refresh trick
Be nice if someone had implemented a dynamic counter display, so there isn't all those zeros sat the side making the number itself look so small.
Still, all them extra digits are potential waiting to be filled, I s'pose.
Ooh, it seems to be going up every time I refresh, too.
You mean I haven't had 33 visitors today?
I am overcome with despondency.
It's like that Sesame Street pinball cartoon thing they were talking about the other day.
...34*35*36 *REFRESH!* 37*38*39 *REFRESH!* 40...
The forum. Sorry, making stupid assumptions about what threads other people have and haven't seen, there.
It's fair enough, given how much time I spend there...
Well I read your blog via google reader. Does that mean I don't count?
I dunno, Kim. You know how I feel about technology. I was assuming the counter was updated by pixies, or something.
Don't be stupid, everyone knowns computers are controlled by gremlins, not pixies.
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