Monday 6 July 2009

Piling Up

Today's word is "ARRRRRGGGGHH!". This is the word that originates from the depths of a Squid's soul when faced with three maths jobs that have to be done simultaneously, and they have to be done now. If the next three or four days are light on posting, then I apologise, but it's in the very good cause of not getting me fired, or having my brain burst into flames.


Morose Midget said...

Just encode them in a matrix and invert. Job(s) done.

I'm not helping here am I?

Dan Edmunds said...

While your at it, a proof for Riemann's Hypothesis would be nice. No rush, but before Thursday would be good...

*Assumes your Boss opperates somewhat like that.

Morose Midget said...

I think there's a chap at Purdue who might be able to help with that...