Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Nostalgia And Xenomorphs

Given that it is practically impossible to get ahold of the Aliens board game anymore, and given that said board game kicked arse as only a faithful interpretation of Cameron's best movie could, I really can't recommend highly enough this Flash version.

h/t to MGK.

Update: My current best result is to have escaped the planet with Ripley, Hicks and Newt, as one would expect, and also Dietrich, Drake and Crowe. Also Burke, so we have someone to slap around on the way home. Anyone done better?


Dan Edmunds said...

It does indeed rock. Oh and be careful with Grenades in the second scenario :¬)

SpaceSquid said...

Feh. Casualties are inevitable!

Actually, I've managed to get through both the Reactor and Operations scenarios without a single death (though not in the same session), but I've yet to master the hunting for Newt (in truth, the first time I got there, having lost all of two marines across the previous levels, I simply got straight in the lift and headed for the dropship. Fuck her).

Dan Edmunds said...

You managed to get through the Reactor without any casualties? Wow. Not managed that yet. Must try harder.

SpaceSquid said...

I have developed near-foolproof tactics. Unless an alien actually lands on one of my guys when it's deployed, I can get out no problem.

Dan Edmunds said...

I take it, it’s the slow methodical leap frog type approach? Kind of the opposite of my everyone run as fast as they can with the occasional guy stopping to act as bait…

SpaceSquid said...

That's the one. Dividing into two teams, each with a machine gun, a flame unit, and either Hicks or Apone, works pretty well too. I always start my line-up with Vasquez to clear the way, and end with Drake as a back-up in case it all goes tits up.